All anyone is ever telling me is to blog, blog, blog …
Listen, I know ‘marketing people’ keep hounding you about how you need to consistently write blogs about your products or services. I get it. You are sick of hearing about blogs, but here’s the thing, blogs ARE important for your business as I have stated in various settings before. In today’s business climate a ghost writer can really help alleviate some of the anxiety you may be feeling about writing blogs. Here’s how a ghost writer will help boost your business to the next level.
1. Quality writing matters
Okay, maybe you have a work ethic and you squeeze out two blog posts a week. How much time are you able to spend thinking and crafting your blog posts? Do they have proper grammar? Are they mired by run-on sentences? Are they optimized so Google will index them correctly? These little details can lower the effectiveness of your blog posts. Quality writing will make your website more professional, which will boost brand loyalty and social engagement.
2. Ain’t nobody got time for blogs
I want you to take a moment right now and pat yourself on the back. You are a business owner. That’s a pretty huge accomplishment! You work your butt off to create real value in this world. Now that the self-congratulating is done, let’s talk brass tacks. Running a business is no small task. How are you supposed to carve out extra time to write blogs? Yuck. You’re busy! And writing a blog sounds like a headache … speaking of which …
3. Only crazy people like writing
Putting words on a blank page isn’t for everyone. Most people would rather be out doing something else … anything else. If you fall into this camp, why not let a professional writer take over? A professional enjoys the craft and will have the time and patience to create quality content that will index well in Google searches and that means more traffic to your website.
Take a moment and think. How much would your business benefit if you hired a ghost writer?
If you’re interested in hiring us to ghost write blogs for your business, just head on over to our contact page and let us know how we can help.