An email list is an untapped income opportunity for your business. What is an email list? It’s a collection of email addresses of your customers and prospects that have agreed to fill out a form to receive emails from your business. These email addresses are collected into a CRM (Customer Relationship Manager) software or email database software that allows you to send out targeted messages either immediately or automated to all the people on your list. You can also choose to send email to specific people that you choose.
Building a list is important. Here are 7 reasons why.
1. You Get Permission
When someone chooses to join your email list, they are granting you their permission to communicate and continue marketing to them through more email. By subscribing to your list, they are letting you know that they want to continue to hear from you and what you have to offer. This is a good thing.
2. Your Email List is Yours – You Own it!
You don’t own your Facebook Page – Facebook does. You don’t own your Twitter profile – Twitter does. You don’t own your Instagram profile – Instagram does. The same thing goes with all of your other social media accounts that you use for your business. However, when it comes to your email list, that is yours. And it is powerful. Your email list is an asset you can use to build your online business.
3. Your List Is a Marketing Traffic Generator
Building an email list is a great way to drive traffic back to your website. Remember, people who have subscribed to your list have given you the permission to send them more emails. Definitely don’t abuse your list, but send your subscribers emails that will drive them back to your latest post or information about your products or services.
4. Email Addresses Are The Way to Contact Your Customers
Email is a common way to communicate and contact customers. People are used to giving up their email address to a business once they buy a product or use a service. If you ask them for their email address, they kind of expect it.
5. Email Marketing Increases Conversion Rates
Some people think email marketing is dead. I personally think it is alive and very strong, if you are using it. Email marketing is one of the most effective forms of marketing. When I ask business owners if they are using email to grow their business I am surprised at how many tell me that they are not using it at all. Sigh. When you use email to teach prospects about your business and offerings, you leverage your opportunity to increase conversions. What about you? Are you using email to increase your conversion rates?.
6. Email Adds a Layer of Value
When you use email to engage people who have opted-in to receive your messages, you’re connected to them in a very intimate way. The value that you add to your subscribers lives is the opportunity to send them information that solves their problems. How are they gonna know what problems you can solve if you do not communicate with them? When you connect the result is a win/win for you and your customers.
7. Email Keeps You Super Close To Your Customers
Connecting with your customers is only a button click away in the smartphone world that we live in. You can contact them at anytime easily with just a click of a button or a text message or an email.
In order to build a great list you have to have a great offer. People are not enticed to give you their email details if your offer is boring. So, make it exciting and irresistible! Think … what kind of information would you want to receive in order to give a business your email address?